Post surgery questions

We are 10 days post amputation.  Scooter is doing the stairs independently, and is not bothering his wound.  Appetite has not been great so I am adding ground beef to his food and that is working.  His stamina is not great.  He will walk about two – three houses up the street and then wants to go home.  Is this normal?

Today is Monday and his stitches come out Thursday.  He will have his first of four chemo treatments at the same time.  I am wondering what to expect from the Chemo and also how long before his true personality comes back?

He is having a hard time adjusting to how to play with a toy now that he can’t hold it between his paws.. it breaks my heart.  Will he adapt?



12 thoughts on “Post surgery questions”

  1. He will absolutely adapt on the toys – check out the forum re: the Mighty Power Paw for pictures of our Tripawds with Kongs, bully sticks and looking for mice with one paw. The stamina is also normal. My vet said to imagine hopping on one foot everywhere you want to go. Otis did not start walks until almost 1 month out, and even still, we only go 7 houses. But he is happy with that, and so am I. Please remember that it is still pretty early for Scooter in the recovery. He will continue to improve and get more agile.

    1. thank you so much for your quick response. Logically I know this but I miss his personality and its been heartwrwnching. From diagnosis to surgery was just a few days…it’s been a whirlwind of emotions. This is good to know!

  2. A whirlwind of emotions indeed! This is a scary time full of uncertainly, exhaustion, and a whole.lot of fear!

    Nkw, with that said, I can assure you that, as Scout continues to recover, all thkse emotions will be replaced with joy and happiness as Scout begines to do “normal” things again! The first time he gets up to greet you, the first time he barks at a other dog, the first time he eats his e tire meal, the first time he rolls over on his back for a tummy rub…and so much more!

    For whatever it’s worth, it was three looong weeks before I coukd FINALLY say I did this FOR my Happy Hannah and not TO her! She also stayed on pain meds well I to her third week, at a reduced dose.

    Every recovery is sifferent. Every dog is different. My Happy Hannah didn’t have some magical turn around just because she had her stitches out. Some recoveries take a little longer.

    Also, talk to your Onco, but I did NOT giver her the first chemo u til after the third week. I did not feel she was doing well enough at the two week mark. At the three week mark she was much better so I proceeded…and she sailed through her four rounds just fine!

    Actually, it sou ds like Scooter is trying to do too much at the 10 day mark! He really should just be going out for potty breaks and then come back in for rest. It is MAJOR surgery. Adjusting to walking on three legs takes a lot of effort at first. Sore muscles and strains are often common at first.

    Take Scout’s lead. He will show more and more sparkle, slowly but surely. Make sure you celebrate every improvement and acknowledge the joy of seeing him return to normal routines. It WILL happen! SLOWLY…SLOWLY…BUT SURELY.

    Stay connected! We are here for you! B R E A T H E……B R E A T H E…..Scout is doing very well for this early in recovery. Don’t overdo it. Talk to your vet about delaying the chemo for a week and give him a chance to get his appetite back.

    Spoiling and loving…that’s all Scout cares about and being with you! 🙂


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    1. Thanks so much Doing much better. Eating and perking up a bit more daily! Stitches and chemo tomorrow. I am spoiling him rotten!
      Scooter is a super dog!

  3. Yes, it’s quite the whirlwind! But it’s just been a week & a half, so still in the recovery phase of things. Murphy didn’t eat well, either, and sometimes still likes to play that game with us – I think they all learn quickly that we will do just about anything to get them to eat, including cooking up some eggs or meat 🙂 Pretty smart, right? If Scooter likes bones like the Nylabone to chew on, try the one that’s “Y” shaped, we found it at the pet store. It’s easier to hold with 1 paw and still chew on.

    1. Yes our beloved pets train us well!! From no table food to eggs and hamburger!! Your comments are so appreciated and I will def get one of those bones. It is why he isn’t playing with most. He starts and gets frustrated. This is quite helpful. Do most get staples? He has stitches.

  4. At ten days out, you are just seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. many dogs perk up once the staples come out. Let him take the lead on activity in the next two weeks or so and I think he will really start to amaze you. (Remember that he has been on a lot of meds too – that takes a toll on their personality).

  5. All normal. 🙂 and as everyone says, every dog is a little different. My vet(s) all told me that usually they limit activity in new amputatees for a bit, but because my pup was (and still is) so active and fit, we had her back to exercise in just 2 days so she wouldn’t atrophy. Lots of 3 house walks, but a few times a day and she quickly got her stamina back. She started chemo at 2 weeks post-op and was back to (very lightly) competing in Flyball at 6 weeks. We worked very hard and closely with a rehab vet, which I can’t recommend enough – well worth the money.

    Three weeks was just about the magic date where I saw the “spark” return in my Clementine’s eyes too….it’ll come back. Every dog handles chemo differently, but Clemmy had very little issues. She’d be a little nauseous and tired for 3 days post-treatment, but meds fixed that. Her 4th and last treatment had her feeling icky for a few weeks, which I’ve heard is normal.

    Best wishes for a good recovery for Scooter!

    1. Thank you. Today is day one post chemo. Seems nauseous so gave him a half centennial and will try in a couple hours to feed him. I think maybe a few small meals is better. Hadn’t thrown up and slept all night and took his three house walk. Hoping for that spark I can’t wait.

  6. Best wishes for Scooter! You will likely get much more feedback in the forums, and find most of your questions answered in popular topics like these Thoughts on Chemotherapy for starters. The Tripawds Featured Blogs also have numerous article, videos and podcasts about recover, care, and what to expect with chemo treatments.

    Start here if you ever need help navigating the many resources this community has to offer, or feel free to call the toll-free Helpline anytime!

  7. Give it time, they find their way. For the chemo my boy had a couple of tired days after – although after 12 sessions I suspect he was playing me to get more strokes and tlc. I’ve learned a whole new level of patience since the amputation, I can’t believe I rushed walks before as the time we have is so precious. So we walk where and as much or little as he wants, and rest as much as he wants. I know it feels like it wil take forever but this passes.
    Hang in there and be in the moment, that’s where the dogs are!

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